
Monday, June 6, 2011

Before Market

Here it is just weeks before market. I know our showroom is busy organizing and displaying our product lines...but I have to wonder if all if our lines have shipped their merchandise to them. If they have not they are missing a HUGE OPPORTUNITY! Send your samples early when the key showroom people are planning what lines & products will be featured and where. If you don't have all of your physical samples, phone them and email them photos of what will be coming. Give them an accurate date they will have your samples in hand and make sure it is a week at least before market starts. No one can sell what they cannot show.

1. Send New Product to Showroom
2. Send Updated/New Catalogs to Showroom
3. Send current files with new product/pricing for Accounting/Sales System
4. Create any market specials you want for retailers or sales reps